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Menopause Clinic

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Menopause Clinic

Menopause is a natural transition in a women in her journey through life. It is often linked to a bridge that a women crosses into a new dawn where she discovers a more confident self.

Undoubtedly though, menopause is a difficult bridge to cross. There is lot of emotional stress as each women experience basic biological changes within her.

This is time a women needs understanding and care, when myths need to be brushed aside with credible information. This article attempts to meet this need with well – researched information. It has been compiled as a ready reckoner with answers to commonly asked question. It is broadly classified into

  • General information
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Potential side- effects
  • Misconception about menopause
  • Care and guidance

General information

What is menopause?

Menopause is the cessation of a women’s menstrual period. Just as puberty signals the start of the ‘child bearing phase’ in a women’s life, menopause marks the end of child bearing and entry into the next phase in women’s life.

For many women today, the end of fertility bring a sense of freedom, they feel more empowered and energized than in their younger years. For some, however, menopause coupled with their mid- life emotional crisis can contribute to serious health problems.

For many women, however, menopause is a time to focus on a good health programme. It is a phase when women need to care for themselves, more then before.

Will I go through menopause?

Yes, every woman goes through menopause. It is a nature part of the life cycle.

When will menopause begin for me?

There is no fixed age for the onset of menopause but it usually Occur between the age of 35 and 55 years. No women can be sure when she will go through menopause, as each one has a unique biological cycle.

Menopause does not occur overnight. The changes set in slowly, usually over a period of 3 to 5 years. Menopause is complete when a woman has not had a menstrual period for 12 months in succession.


What causes menopause?

Natural menopause - this is caused by a nature decrease in the hormonal deficiency disease’. When you are younger, your body produces hormones like estrogen and progesterone to prepare you for pregnancy. These the hormones cause monthly periods.

Menopause begin when the level of hormones in your body starts to decline. With lower level of hormones, your period become erratic and eventually stop.

Surgical menopause- some women need to have their ovaries removed surgically. This leads to a immediate menopause, unlike the gradual process of natural menopause. This occurs irrespective of the age at which such a ‘surgical menopause’ occurs. A woman going through surgical menopause usually facesmore problems and almost always needs medical assistance to help her cope with it.

Sometimes a women’s ovaries are removed when she has her uterus (womb) removed for fibroids or cancer. Surgical removal of the uterus is called a hysterectomy. But the removal of the uterus alone does not cause menopause. That happens only when the ovaries are removed.


How will I know when I’m going through menopause?

The first hint that menopause might be commencing could be changes in the pattern of your period. You might

  • Missed periods
  • Periods become scanty, but are regular
  • Bleed much less then usual even if periods are delayed.

These changes could be indications that your body is preparing itself for menopause.

These variations in period may last for a year or more.

Please note: Bleeding more than usual is Not sign of menopause. Bleeding between
periods and having periods more often is Not Normal.
Be sure to see your doctor if that happens.

Hot flushes

Hot flushes are sudden feeling of heat in face and upper part of the body. These last a few minutes. Hot flushes can also occur while you are asleep. These may cause sweating and disturbed sleep.

Dry vagina

During menopause, the vagina could become dry, this may cause itching and pain during intercourse.

Bladder control

Many women notice less control to hold urine. Some begin to leak urine, especially when they sneeze or cough.

Mood swing

Menopause can cause emotional changes. With hormonal level changing in your body you could experience unexplained mood swing. You might find yourself depressed, exhausted or cranky for no apparent reason. However, if you continue to feel this way most of the times, please consult yours doctor. Other possible symptoms

Will all this happen to me?

You may not experience all the symptoms. Some women notice many changes during menopause, while others notice just a few. The experience of menopause is unique for each woman.

Possible side effects

What are long term effect of menopause?

Menopause can sometimes affective different parts of your body and make you susceptible to other ailments.

Heart- related ailments

Menopause makes you vulnerable to the risk of heart related ailments. This is further aggravated if you

  • Smoke
  • Have high blood pressure
  • Have high cholesterol
  • Do not exercise

Have family history of heart ailments


The presence of estrogen in our body also protects our bones. White a drop in estrogen levels after menopause, women are more likely to develop osteoporosis. This leads to weakening of the bones, there by increase the risk fracture, particularly in the back, hip and arm.

Misconception about menopause

The experience related to menopause have many a misconception spun around them. We would like to dismiss some of these for you.

It is all ‘down hill’ after menopause

This is certainly not true as many women report feeling far more confident and full of life following menopause

Your looks will deteriorate after menopause

A few wrinkles that you might notice appearing during menopause are related to the nature aging process and have no connection with menopause.

Menopause cause depression

Hormonal fluctuation can cause temporary mood swing, but any prolonged depression is not caused by menopause.

Menopause means end of intercourse and romance

On the contrary, with no more worries about pregnancy, many women feel far more romantic and sexually inclined.

Hysterectomy is the best way to deal with menopause

Absolutely Not. Hysterectomy is a removal of the uterus and not necessarily that of ovaries. Moreover, the removal of ovaries too does not prevent menopause related problems.

You can not get pregnant once your period stops

Since menopause is not completed till you have missed 12 menstrual periods in sucession, you can still get pregnant even after missing period for a few months. Please consult your doctor about the best kind of the birth control at this stage.

There is no AIDS after menopause

You are still equal vulnerable to diseases such as AIDS after menopause. Always use a condom if you are sexually active.

Menopause is not a twilight zone. it is merely a ‘pause’ before you move on to a beginning. It offers you the opportunity to take special care of yourself for a healthier life. Make the most of it. Your mother is your best guide when to expect menopause. her experience can provide you with the best clue. Familial and genetic factor effect the onset of menopause. If she began menopause late, there’s good chance that you will start it late and vice versa.

Point to bear in mind

  • Eat a nutritious diet
  • Include calcium in your diet or through supplements (1.2 gm/day)
  • Stay calm during hot flushes
  • Discuss these problem with family and friends
  • Exercise regularly, preferably morning walk, yoga and pranayam.
  • Include bladder control in your exercise routine
  • Consult your doctor on countering vaginal dryness
  • Learn new ways to relax
  • Avoid smoking

Care and guidance

What can I do to freedom?

There are many lifestyle changes that can make you feel better when menopause starts. You owe it to yourself to make these changes and focus on your health at this time. These will also help to keep your healthy and your bones and mind strong.

Will I need treatment?

While most women do not need any treatment for symptoms during menopause, some may benefit from treatment. Since estrogen levels are decreasing in all women during menopause, an estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) may be recommended in some cases. This could

  • Relieve dry vagina and hot flushes
  • Prevent heart related ailment and osteoporosis.

But these treatment can have some side- effect too. Therefore they are prescribed after evaluation by the doctor.

Do I need to see the doctor

Yes advice from a good dgynaecologist can be of great use as you go through menopause At LIFE CARE CENTRE : A preventive health programme for menopause women for a include complete examination and professional evaluation of your individual need. Talk your symptoms and seek advice on what you can do to reduce your chances of developing weak bones and heart related ailments. A caring and informative environment can make a significant difference in preventing menopause related problems and to help you lead healthier lifestyle

Do I need to see the doctor

Yes advice from a good dgynaecologist can be of great use as you go through menopause At LIFE CARE CENTRE : A preventive health programme for menopause women for a include complete examination and professional evaluation of your individual need. Talk your symptoms and seek advice on what you can do to reduce your chances of developing weak bones and heart related ailments. A caring and informative environment can make a significant difference in preventing menopause related problems and to help you lead healthier lifestyle

During your visit all these

  • A complete examination by a gyneacologist
  • Breast examination and mammography
  • PAP smear
  • Few pathological Investigations are don

Doctor advises you on

  • Doctor advises you on
  • Tell you about importance of pranayam and yoga
  • The right food to eat
  • Calcium pills and vitamins intake
  • HRT and other treatments
  • Any other concerns or worries are sorted out
  • Take out some time to grow spiritually.

How to stop smoking (if you smoke)

Life Care centre is doing public awareness by holding lectures for women groups on menopause. If you need such help please don’t hesitate to contact.


Name : Dr. Sharda Jain
Mobile : 9650511339
E-mail Id : sharda.lifecare@gmail.com
Name : Dr. Rashmi Jain
Mobile : 9810424082