Our Services


About Lifecare
Gynae Office Procedures
Ultrasound Division
Minimal Invasive Surgeries
For Pregnant Women
Major Gynaecological Surgical Procedures by our Team
Training Courses Academic / Community Training


In this, the tubes patency is assessed by ultrasound by pushing a fluid through the uterus into the tubes. It is not only as accurate as HSG but has the advantage of the women not being exposed to radiation and also of assessing the uterine cavity and ovaries at the same time.in our experience 95% of pts opt for this saline infusion sonographySaline infusion sonography or Sonohysterography is a specialized procedure by which fluid, usually sterile saline, is installed into the uterine cavity, and gynecologic sonography performed at the same time. The procedure delineates intrauterine pathology such as polyps, Asherman's syndrome, uterine malformations or submucous leiomyoma.


Sonosalpingography : is used in infertility to see for tubal patency 95% of patients opt for this procedure. However, 10% over sensitive for which we offer tube testing under GA

done over 5000 procedures in last 20 years 98% of our cases have SSG, 2% have HSG As primary procedure.Laparoscopy for abnormal cases has been done in only 7% cases